Contract Magazine’s December issue features our manufacturing and design capabilities in an article about our custom art canopy project completed in April of this year. Arktura manufactured and drove the design process of the dynamic statement piece in collaboration with artist Refik Anadol and CBT Architects.
This contemporary custom canopy made use of the full capabilities our Solution Studio. It is the culmination of years of artistic insight, strong architectural vision and manufacturing technology, innovation and creativity to create a “signature architectural element”.

Author Lauren Volker captured the process and challenge of designing the piece best when she writes, “[Arktura] procured most of the design from a 3D model, extracting and coordinating the elements digitally, and designing the canopy with the manufacturing methods in mind… The repeating pattern addressed efficiency and structural concerns, and the varying depth of the design solved structural spanning issues. While it contains a regular patterning logic, it was designed in such a way that the repeatability is hard to read.”
Read the article at
Read the article in the Contract Magazine Look Book.
Check out the custom canopy project page in Solutions Studio